Friday 16 October 2009

Have you lost your job on a UK newspaper and are you willing to take part in a survey?

Researchers from the University of Central Lancashire, working with, are trying to contact some of the hundreds of newspaper journalists who have lost their jobs in the UK during the crisis gripping the industry.
They are conducting a survey and want the first hand experiences of journalists made redundant and to find out how they have adapted in their personal and professional life since leaving newspapers.
The researchers are also considering the gap in knowledge and experience left by the number of experienced journalist leaving the industry.
The study is being led led by François Nel, who previously worked as a journalist in the US and South Africa and now runs the Journalism Leaders Programme at UCLAN.
"Who gets cut, and what happens next to the survivors, many of whom are assumed to be middle-aged professionals who have lost not just a job, but a career?" asked Nel, who intends to keep the study running for five years. "I'm also wondering about the gaps that the layoffs leave in the industry. Gaps in experience. Gaps in professional memory. And gaps in perspective."
The survey, which draws on work by colleagues in the US, is voluntary and confidential. Results cannot be attributed to a specific individual unless they choose to reveal themselves. If you would like to take part in the study click here .
Findings from the study will be sent to the respondents and reported by UCLAN and

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