Saturday 31 October 2009

At last...The Heather Brooke Story

I am always worried that the role of campaigning Freedom Of Information journalist Heather Brooke in exposing MPs' expenses will be overshadowed by the Daily Telegraph's sensational scoop in buying the stolen data which made the story of pilfering politicians front page news for months.
But according to the Guardian, Heather Brooke's five-year battle to force MPs to reveal details of their expenses is to be the subject of a satirical BBC4 drama. Brooke is acting as a story consultant on the play, which has a working title of The Heather Brooke Story.
She told the Guardian that her ideal choice to play her on screen would be the X-Files and Bleak House actor Gillian Anderson, who is a fellow American and a fellow redhead.
The Guardian says BBC4's hour-long dramatisation will follow Brooke's tortuous battles with officialdom that began with a straightforward request under the Freedom of Information Act and saw the Commons authorities, led by the then Speaker Michael Martin, go to the high court in a vain bid to prevent information coming out.
Just one question. Why is it a "satirical" drama and not just a straight one? It is a great story.
I like the way the Associated Press reported it back in May: "It took a sassy American to force stuffy British lawmakers to come clean over their expenses."
To me, that reads like a great Hollywood script.
Pic: Jon Slattery


Anonymous said...

Americans, Heather Brooke and Brooksley Born should join together. They have both shown the UK and US the error of the ways of their politicians.

And, I agree. Gillian Anderson is an excellent choice to play Heather Brooke.

Unknown said...

When/Where did you take this photo? It's too funny and rather like an incident from The Thick of It.

Jon Slattery said...

It was taken at the Frontline Club in June. Heather was on a panel of talking about the MPs'expenses scandal.
It was only when I got home and looked at the pic that I saw she was sitting in front of a poster of a nuclear explosion.
Quite apt, considering the impact she has had on MPs.