Friday 20 November 2009

Heather Brooke is 'Reformer of the Year'

In October, I mentioned that campaigning FoI journalist Heather Brooke was up for "Reformer of the Year" in the Reform think tank awards, and was being backed by blogger Guido Fawkes. Well, she's won. Not only that, she did it by a landslide.
According to a Reform press release: "Heather Brooke, the Freedom of Information campaigner, has won a poll to find the Reformer of the Year for 2009. Ms Brooke, who was a pivotal figure in unveiling the MPs’ expenses scandal, won the title in a landslide, securing over a thousand of the 1,157 votes."
Reform’s director, Andrew Haldenby, said: “Heather has shown how transparency can reform Parliament. Now the whole public sector needs to be opened up in the same way, to tackle the real waste that lies at the heart of government.”

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