Tuesday 23 December 2008

Ruth Addicott's Best of 2008

Ruth Addicott, the former editor of the Woman section of The Argus, Brighton, who has just gone freelance, picks her Best of 2008.

Best old/trad media of the year: Grey Cardigan in Press Gazette because he's the only columnist not PR driven (even if he does repeat his jokes every few weeks), the Sunday Telegraph and Ian Hyland in the News of the World

Best new media of the year: Opus doing 'Life is Live' on You Tube - light relief from the 'crunch'.

Best story of the year: Obama, but my personal fave was Prescott being bullimic (followed up by footage of him tapping his foot and dancing on that doc).

Prediction for 2009: Prescott and his wife Pauline sky-diving out of a plane over the Australian outback in 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here', with Cherie queuing up behind. That will be front page, then p2 will have some mad man trying to see off Obama.

Tomorrow: Sue Curtis, news organiser at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire.

Rest of the Best of, so far:Paul Linford, Adrian Monck , Grey Cardigan , Jean Morgan, Steve Busfield, Neil Fowler, Ian Reeves, Dominic Ponsford, Michael Crozier, Judith Townend and Laura Oliver, Patrick Smith.

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