Thursday 11 December 2008

Adrian Monck's Best of 2008

TV news exec turned academic, Adrian Monck, head of journalism at City University, gives his Best of 2008.

Best old/trad media of the year: The New Yorker for Ryan Lizza on the campaign trail – his Obama profile was the best take on the president-elect.

Best new media of the year: The FT’s Alphaville. Don’t ask how - Paul Murphy and co. just make it work.

Best story of the year: Selection of Sarah Palin as VP candidate – politics can still surprise us.

Prediction for 2009: The British General Election will disappoint everyone.

Tomorrow: Downtable subbing legend the Grey Cardigan gives his "Best of.." and no, he hasn't chosen the Daily Beast. Crystal Tits will not be pleased.

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