Monday 18 July 2011

It's not just Rupert Murdoch who is apologising...

It's a bit buried, but the Independent's media commentator Stephen Glover has said sorry to the Guardian today. In his regular Monday column, Glover writes: "By the way, I should apologise to the Guardian for suggesting in November 2009 that it was exaggerating the phone-hacking affair. It was right and I was wrong."


dennisjarrett said...

He was one of many who moaned about the Graun's obsessiveness and one of few who has acknowledged their error. Donald Trelford should hang his head in shame, for instance. Not to mention Boris Johnson, but then Boris Johnson probably shouldn't mentioned unless absolutely necessary

George Dearsley said...

Congratulations to The Guardian in general and Nick Davies in particular. He picked away at the scab when many would have given up and found a giant tumour. Certainty for Reporter of the Year, surely. A great example to reporters everywhere to keep going, despite denials, obfuscations and threats.