Monday 25 July 2011

Breivik saw journalists' conference as target

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian accused of killing more than 70 people, had a chilling note about targeting journalists in his manifesto posted on the web, reports Galleycat.

It read: “In Norway, there is an annual gathering for critical and investigative press where the most notable journalists/editors from all the nations media/news companies attend … The conference lasts for 2 days and is usually organized at a larger hotel/conference center. Security is light or non-existent making the conference a perfect target.”

Among UK journalists who have attended the conference in Norway are the Guardian's investigative reporters David Leigh and Nick Davies.

Leigh has tweeted: "Nick Davies and me were both speaking at the #Norway conference of journalists whom Breivik thought to exterminate. Blimey"

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