Wednesday 18 May 2011

If George Orwell was alive today. . .


Michael Cross said...

Probably wouldn't push this analogy too far - remember we're talking about an Old Etonian whose sojourn in Paris was rendered more bearable by the hospitality of Aunt Nellie. (Orwell: The Life, D.J. Taylor, 2003.)

Winston Smith said...

I think Michael Cross is missing the point

Michael Cross said...

Er yes, on reflection I probably did. Apologies for any defamation of the esteemed Mr Slattery.

Moving on, I wonder if Orwell's experience of being diddled out of a membership fee on the promise of commissions to write about "Le Sport" has any resonance today...

Jon Slattery said...


Thanks for your comment.

Perhaps, I should have made it clear that the illustration was linked to the story below: Martin Bright's comments at the Orwell Prize ceremony last night.