Thursday 14 April 2011

Sun gagged by privacy injunctions from 'world famous' actor and Premiership footballer

The Sun has been gagged by two privacy injunctions stopping the paper naming an actor and a Premiership footballer while revealing details of their sex lives.

According to the Sun: "ONE of soccer star Wayne Rooney's vice girls has revealed she also bedded a married leading actor. The luvvie who romped with Helen Wood, 24, cannot be named after a judge gagged The Sun....A High Court judge said exposing his cheating would invade his privacy."

In the other case, the Sun says: "A PREMIER League star last night gagged The Sun after we found him romping with busty Big Brother babe Imogen Thomas behind his wife's back."

The existence of the gagging order involving the actor was first disclosed by the Daily Telegraph on Tuesday, when newspapers were banned from naming either party or reporting why the order had been sought.

A High Court judge yesterday extended the injunction which protects the actor’s anonymity, but lifted a ban on naming Helen Wood and detailing the nature of her allegations.

The actor was described by Mr Justice King as “a world famous celebrity”.

The Sun links the two stories on its front page today with the headline: "Two Cheats Hide Behind The Law."

1 comment:

Alan Marsh said...

Could somebody not publish a list of "celebrities" who DON'T have injunctions taken out?

After all, it would be desirable not to unfairly judge anyone we might SUSPECT of having a guilty secret would it not?