The Cutline blog is reporting that the Guardian's investigative journalist Nick Davies whose dogged reporting exposed the News of the World phone hacking scandal may join the paper's new U.S. operation.
Cutline reports Davies, who is currently on a trip to the U.S., saying: "The Guardian have asked me to join a group of journalists who they are sending from London to the U.S. to increase our coverage of U.S. stories.
"So, apart from looking at the hacking story here, the other purpose of the trip is to make decisions about exactly where I would be based if I were to come here. I'm still exploring that, too."
The Cutline adds: "Davies didn't discuss any timeline for when he might decide on joining the Guardian's U.S. team. Nor did a News Corp. spokesman care to comment on how the company's American executives are reacting to the prospect of a long-term stateside Davies investigation into its activities."
Maybe News International will pay Davies' fare.
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