Thursday 3 February 2011

Sunday Tribune won't publish in receivership

Ireland's Sunday Tribune will not be published during its four-week period of receivership and will be advertised for sale.

A notice on the Sunday Tribune website reads: “Following a review by the Receiver, in consultation with the management of the company, of the financial and risk areas of the Sunday Tribune it has been decided that publication of the newspaper together with its online edition will be deferred during the sale process.

"February salaries are being paid to ensure that the Sunday Tribune ’s team of quality journalists, advertising and administrative staff are retained.”

Speaking to The Irish Times , the Receiver, Jim Luby, said the Sunday Tribune would be advertised for sale as a going concern in five national media outlets: The Irish Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times , the Sunday Business Post and the Irish Independent.

Tribune Newspapers plc, which publishes the Sunday title, was placed into receivership on Tuesday after Independent News and Media withdrew its financial backing.

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