Friday 19 November 2010

Quotes of the week: From that wedding to why it didn't make a splash in the Independent

Julie Burchill in the Independent on Kate Middleton and the royal wedding: "So for the sake of this beautiful young woman with her whole life before her (and who, with her chav blood and her Jewish blood, I just can't help believing is essentially marrying beneath her by throwing in her lot with the weirdest clan this side of the Addams Family), let us hope that her Prince has more of his mother than his father in him."

Derek Tucker, editor of the Press and Journal, Aberdeen, at the Society of Editors conference: “I would suggest that if you study the sales performance of Britain’s regional dailies there is correlation in far too many cases between the enthusiasm with which they have embraced their web offering and the size of the year-on-year sales deficit.”

Kelvin MacKenzie interviewed in the Independent: "I always thought when editing The Sun that the greatest journalistic act I could perform would be actually exposing myself so you'd end up with a headline: 'Sun Editor in three-in-a-bed scandal'. And you'd start with an intro: 'Kelvin MacKenzie wept with shame last night as it was revealed...'

JT McTurk posts on Press Gazette about the latest ABC figures for the national press: "One reason the so-called 'qualities' are dropping sales at such a rate is that they fail to engage with what I call 'authentic Britain' - that is, that part of the country which falls outside the M25 ringfence. For years now it has been clear that the posh papers are metrocentric to the point where they fail to acknowledge the existence of anything west of Hammersmith or north of Potters Bar. Their parochialism is astonishing, particularly as they claim to be 'national' newspapers."

AA Gill on fellow food critic Giles Coren in the Sunday Times: "I am a great admirer of Giles's food writing. I find it comfortingly familiar."

publisher Martin Clarke, as reported by MediaGuardian, briefs his team on the site's success:
"This shows that, firstly, I am a fucking genius, and secondly, that you are all doing really well.

editor Simon Kelner speaking on The Media Show about royal wedding coverage: ... in the Guardian..."having their cake and eating it"... in the Telegraph ..."like eating a box of Malteasers"... and why the Independent didn't put it on the front page and splashed on the Irish economic crisis..."I think it was the most important story of the day ...the Independent has a tradition of not following the herd as far as royal coverage is concerned."

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