From the paper that brought you Watergate...Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen says WikiLeaks "is not a news organization; it is a criminal enterprise" and has called for its founder Julian Assange to be arrested over the leaking of the Afghan War Logs.
Thiessen says: "Arresting Assange would be a major blow to his organization. But taking him off the streets is not enough; we must also recover the documents he unlawfully possesses and disable the system he has built to illegally disseminate classified information. This should be done, ideally, through international law enforcement cooperation. But if such cooperation is not forthcoming, the United States can and should act alone."
He adds: "The United States has the capability and the authority to monitor his communications and disrupt his operations. Last year, the Obama administration stood up a new U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) to 'conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations' in defense of U.S. national security.
"With the stroke of his pen, the president can authorize USCYBERCOM to protect American and allied forces by eliminating WikiLeaks' ability to disseminate classified information that puts their lives at risk.
"WikiLeaks represents a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. If left unmolested, Assange will become even bolder and inspire others to imitate his example. His group is at this moment preparing to release tens of thousands of documents that will put the lives of our troops and our allies at risk. Will President Obama stop WikiLeaks from doing so -- or sit back and do nothing?"
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