Opening a debate about equalities at the Labour conference yesterday, Camberwell and Peckham MP Harriet Harman said she was speaking about "something the Sun knows absolutely nothing about - equality".
She went on: "Let's face it, the nearest their political analysis gets to women's rights is Page 3's news in briefs."
What a coincidence that today the Sun's Page 3 girl making a "news in briefs" comment is Harriet from Peckham.
More seriously for Labour, the Sun front page, headlined 'Labour's Lost Us', is devoted to voters - including a wounded war hero and families of dead soldiers - who say they won't support the Government.
Gosh, Jon, nipples on Slattery's blogspot....I'm spluttering into my G&T. Whatever next? Images of dwarf throwing?
Yours faithfully
Stupified of Stockport
Dear Stupified of Stockport,
Finding a dwarf to throw is more your line isn't it?
Jon S.
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