Thursday 3 September 2009

Unbowed Brooke publishes full statement to Standards Committee on her website

Heather Brooke, whose FoI court battle led to MPs' expenses being made public, has on her website Your Right To Know republished her statement to the Committee on Standards in Public Life complete with the bits said by the committee's lawyers to be "potentially defamatory".
The Committee has told Brooke it had taken her written evidence off its website on legal advice.
She says of the committee staff who have contacted her: "Very nice people but sadly lacking the boldness to stand up to their lawyers. I’ve re-published my statement below along with the requested censoring so you can see exactly how little free speech we have in this country."
Brooke claims "all requested ‘redactions’ are already in the public domain" and adds: "If I’m missing something do let me know but otherwise this seems perfectly outrageous and I will not be agreeing to the requested censoring. And you thought Soviet Russia was bad."

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