Thursday 5 April 2012

Quotes of the week: From why journalists look better in a hat to Samantha gets bricked online

Martin Kelner in the Guardian on the death of the boxing writer Bert Sugar (top) who wore a fedora:" I like to see a journalist in a hat. I am not that bothered about the press card stuck in the brim, or the cigarette hanging out of the side of the mouth, but the hat I think bestows authority."

James Murdoch: "I am aware that my role as chairman could become a lightning rod for BSkyB and I believe that my resignation will help to ensure that there is no false conflation with events at a separate organisation."
Northern Echo editor Peter Barron on Sky News hacking emails: "Information gleaned about John Darwin was passed to Cleveland Police and, according to Sky News, was 'pivotal' to the case. That would clearly be in the public interest and, therefore, responsible journalism."

Johnston Press ceo Ashley Highfield interviewed in the
Sunday Times: “Social, local and mobile — it’s the mantra of Facebook and Google, and it should be our territory too.”
Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, on Trinity Mirror chief executive's proposed new pay package: “What exactly is Trinity Mirror rewarding Sly Bailey for? Her record speaks for itself. The NUJ has long been calling for the newspaper group to invest in its staff and quality journalism, not lining the pockets of management. This is not the politics of envy; this is saying that if Trinity Mirror is to succeed and survive, then it needs to be spending the money on its staff and titles.”
Reporters Without Borders: “We are shocked to hear more and more supposedly democratic countries such as India, France, Australia and now the United Kingdom expressing a desire to adopt the kind of systematic monitoring of communications used by the planet’s most repressive regimes.”

Samantha Brick after her 'why do women hate me for being so beautiful' Mail article whips up an internet storm: "While I've been shocked and hurt by the global condemnation, I have just this to say: my detractors have simply proved my point. Their level of anger only underlines that no one in this world is more reviled than a pretty woman."
Jeremy Clarkson on Twitter "So, a Daily Mail journalist has been greatly upset by much on-line unkindness. Hmmm."

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