Monday 9 April 2012

NUJ Parly event to discuss protection of sources

The NUJ has organised an event in Parliament to discuss the protection of sources and journalistic material.

The event is being hosted by Austin Mitchell MP (top) in the House of Commons on Thursday 19 April, starting 6.30pm.

It will look at the threats faced by journalists by:
  • News Corp's Management and Standards Committee
  • Production orders
  • The legislative landscape
Speakers confirmed so far include: John Battle, ITN; Gavin Millar QC; Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary; and Jason Parkinson, NUJ freelance video joiurnalists who is challenging a Dale Farm production order at a judicial review which starts on 25 April.


  1. Will there be a transcript or recording of this? I'm not a professional journalist, but this sounds interesting and I can't make it to London.

  2. This is a superb website, Jon. Can't you promote it a bit with a few Facebook and Twitter badges? Half an hour's work and all the good work will go further.
