Monday 6 September 2010

Brighton Argus: Boy in nut stuck on finger drama

Bizarre story in the The Argus, Brighton, of how firefighters were called in after a seven-year-old boy spent four hours with a nut stuck on his finger.
The nut and boy were only separated after firefighters were called to accident and emergency at Worthing Hospital to free the nut using a plumbing tool.
The Argus reports: "The drama took place yesterday. A Worthing firefighter said: 'We were contacted by the hospital because they couldn’t get the nut off. The lad had been playing in his garden when he picked up the nut and shoved it on. But he couldn’t get it off again.
“It had been stuck for four hours by the time we arrived. I think he thought it was going to be there forever. He was a really good boy and didn’t cry'."
Via Phil Mellows on Twitter

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