Monday 6 September 2010

BBC: Met to look at new phone hacking evidence

The BBC reports today that the Metropolitan Police is to examine new evidence about the extent of phone-hacking involving journalists on the News of the World.
Assistant Commissioner John Yates said officers would consider any new information - and examine whether further action should be taken.
It comes after former News of the World reporter Sean Hoare told the New York Times he had been personally told by the paper's editor at the time, Andy Coulson, to intercept phone messages.
Yates said the Met has asked the New York Times to provide officers with any new material it has relating to the case. The paper also quoted an unnamed former NoW executive saying Coulson was aware of hacking. The NoW has denied the allegations in the New York Times and claim the paper is motivated by its commercial rivalry with the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal.
The Guardian reports today that Labour MPs plan to press for the phone-hacking allegations to be referred to the standards and privileges committee of the House of Commons.
  • Stephen Glover in the Independent today says he would be surprised if the New York Times revelations are enough to "finish off Coulson". He notes that News of the World sources have undermined Hoare's testimony by saying that the paper sacked him while he was struggling with drug and alcohol problems. Glover writes: "Allegations from the other, unnamed source are not going to damage Mr Coulson much until or unless he/she comes out of the shadows. He says: "As things stand, then, Mr Coulson is probably safe".

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