Thursday 19 November 2020

Media Quotes of the Week: From more journalists should be like Piers Morgan to MacKenzie blasts MailOnline's 'plunder squad' for lifting stories

Guardian's Owen Jones on Twitter: 
"The truth is, if more of the media had uncompromisingly challenged the government's catastrophic handling of the pandemic like @piersmorgan here, then tens of thousands of lives could have been saved."

Kevin Maguire speaking to students at the  University of Sunderland:
 "During the pandemic people started to rediscover the importance of journalism and the role it plays. All too often journalists were seen in a stereotypical ‘second-hand car salesman’ way, but all of a sudden, in a crisis, people wanted information they could trust. We saw how television viewing figures were almost a Christmas levels and how well watched the daily press conferences were to begin with. In many ways, this has been quite a good time for journalism, people need journalists to breakdown so much of the Government’s rhetoric, to make the guidelines and rules understandable."

BBC News reports"A previously missing note from Princess Diana, thought to indicate she was happy with the way her interview by BBC Panorama was obtained, has been found. The BBC said it had recovered the "original handwritten note" that the princess wrote following the Panorama interview of November 1995. The broadcaster said it would hand over the note to an independent inquiry. The probe will look at claims made by Diana's brother about how BBC reporter Martin Bashir secured the interview."

Ex-Panaroma journalist Tom Mangold in The Times [£] alleging a BBC cover-up over the Martin Bashir-Princess Diana interview:"
The cover-up created the fiction that Panorama was riddled with Bashir’s jealous colleagues, troublemakers and leakers, and that we would all be found out and sacked. It was so successful that all the perpetrators of the scandal received herograms and acclaim, and two totally innocent employees were to have their careers destroyed and, in my case, my reputation besmirched."

Andrew Neil on Twitter says a withering goodbye to Downing Street's director of communications Lee Cain:
"So farewell, Lee Cain. Can’t recall ever meeting you but you were one who kept stringing us alone during the 2019 campaign saying Boris Johnson really wanted to do a BBC interview with me, it was just matter of logistics. Bollox, wasn’t it? But I guess doing your master’s bidding."

Matt Chorley on Twitter:
"It’s a small thing and Christ knows sometimes the lobby is dreadful. But every genius who arrives vowing to shake up the media, undermine, bypass and destroy the lobby, ends up leaving. And for good or bad, we’re still there."

Donald Trump on Twitter: 
"@FoxNews daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE. Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose. The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was

Suzanne Moore on Twitter:
"I have left The Guardian. I will very much miss SOME of the people there. For now thats all I can say...It was entirely my choice to go. I will tell you all about it one day . For now thank you for these lovely messages . I feel like I am at my own funeral or something. Anyway I will keep writing of course! The efforts to shut me up seem not to have been very well thought through."

Hadley Freeman on Twitter: "As a reader, I'm devastated that Suzanne is leaving. As a journalist, I'm shocked that others in my profession believe that differing opinions don't belong in a newspaper. Don't agree with something? Write a column, don't personally abuse the writer or try to shut her down."

Alex Massie in The Spectator:
"It would be a mistake to suggest, I think, that Suzanne Moore has been ‘cancelled’ for she will retain her platform and doubtless find a comfortable new berth soon enough. Nevertheless, it seems equally absurd to argue that her departure from the Guardian is entirely unconnected to the internal protests against her.  Those protestors, it seems to me, appear to have made a terrible mistake when they agreed to work for a newspaper. For if they cannot cope with internal argument – and they cannot, for their reaction to Moore’s columns has not been to argue that she is mistaken but, rather, to insist she should not be published – they might more profitably seek employment elsewhere."

Kelvin MacKenzie on Twitter:
"Mailonline employ a plunder squad who swoop on papers-especially The Sun and The Times and subscription sites like The Athletic - and literally devour their great stories and journalism. It’s a theft which is barred by copyright law in the film and TV world. Am in favour of Mailonline carrying the articles but by hyperlink so that the media which invested so much money and energy gets the credit and revenue from the people who found the story interesting."


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