Friday 6 July 2012

Media Quotes of the Week: From the last of The Word to Oborne on the new BBC director-general

David Hepworth on the sad news his magazine The Word is to close: "We regret to announce that the August issue of The Word, which will be published in the second week of July, will be the last. In the nine years since the magazine launched there have been dramatic changes in the media and the music business. These changes have made it more difficult for a small independent magazine to survive and provide its staff with a living. This hasn't been made any easier by the economic climate of the wider world."

Mark Ellen, editor of The Word in the October 2009 issue, as reported on my blog: "The internet is perfect for exploring tangents. But magazines can carry the most intricate thoughts and images, the ones you can only fully appreciate if you look at them more than once."

BBC pundit Alan Shearer gets tongue-tied on the Spanish football team, via the Daily Telegraph and YouTube: “It’s the hunger and the desire from these guys, because let’s not forget these guys have had an unbelievable amount of sex ... success.”

Trevor Kavanagh in the Sun: "We need another costly judge-led inquiry like a hole in the head. It would paralyse banking — almost as crucial to Britain as a free Press — at a perilous moment in this economic crisis. We cannot risk putting a complex financial system under the microscope of a legal eagle who hasn’t a clue how it works"

Rupert Murdoch on Twitter: "Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people."

Cleland Thom on Press Gazette: "If you’re planning to publish user-generated content from spectators at the Olympic Games, it’s best to have your solicitor on standby. There are strict rules on what ticketholders can do with photos and videos they take. And one thing’s clear – they can only post them on their Facebook, YouTube and Twitter pages and personal blogs if there’s no commercial purpose involved."

Andrew Sullivan in the Sunday Times [£] on Piers Morgan's CNN show: "His ingratiating yet snobbish affectation, his prim yet crass questions, and his celebrity worship and boundless self-love had me reaching for the remote in minutes. There are some awful types on American cable news who compel by their repulsiveness — Fox’s Bill O’Reilly comes to mind — but Morgan didn’t even have that counterintuitive appeal. He was just horrible television. Pompous and, above all, boring.'

Community secretary Eric Pickles threatens new measures against council newspaper, telling BBC London, as reported by Press Gazette: “What we will do is we will put it on a statutory footing and we will stop these town hall Pravdas.”

Northcliffe Media md Steve Auckland in a memo to staff, as reported by Press Gazette: “I’m not one for speeches on the future in 20 years’ time. Technology is changing, but I believe print will be around for a long time to come.”

Peter Oborne in the Telegraph on the new BBC director-general: "Admittedly, George Entwistle does not sport a three-day beard. But in all other respects he is a manifestation of exactly the same phenomenon as his predecessor: the thrusting, middle-aged, white, male, ultimately meaningless media executive. Both men are habitually called brilliant by their acolytes. Both men – as was tellingly remarked of the broadcaster David Frost – have risen without trace."
  • [£] means quote behind paywall

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