Thursday 3 February 2011

New attacks on journalists in Egypt condemned

Press freedom campaign group Reporters Without Borders has unreservedly condemned attacks on BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, Al-Arabiya and ABC News journalists in Egypt by President Mubarak supporters who were reportedly accompanied by plainclothes police.

The attacks took place during clashes in central Cairo’s Tahrir Square between supporters of the president and demonstrators calling for his resignation.

“The use of violence against media personnel is especially shocking,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said. “Several were directly targeted by the president’s supporters and infiltrated policemen. Several were beaten and their equipment was stolen.

“We remind all parties that journalists are external observers who under no circumstances should be identified with one side or the other. These attacks seem to have been acts of revenge against the international media for relaying the protests calling for President Mubarak’s resigning. They are also designed to silence journalists and gag news media.

“We urge the international community to react strongly to these excesses,” Julliard added. “And we remind the Egyptian government that it has a duty to apply the law and to urgently restore security for everyone, including media personnel.”

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