Wednesday 31 March 2010

More subs axed by Johnston Press

Johnston Press, which is currently facing a company wide ballot for industrial action by NUJ members, is to cut 20 more sub editors' posts.
HoldtheFrontPage reports that the company has announced redundancies in Lancashire as a centralised 'content design unit' is to be created in Preston to serve both the Blackpool Gazette and Lancashire Evening Post. The move will mean an overall net reduction of 20 sub-editors from the current 38-strong production operation spread across the two centres.

1 comment:

  1. Sub-editing cuts are very much on my mind at the moment. I thought I'd have a job for life when I became a sub-editor in 1987. But the depts I've worked in have been contracting and one person is expected to do the job of three or four subs now.

    Over the last few days I've been posting up on my subbing blog, my farewell to 20 years of sub-editing.

    It's a bit sad but I hope it shows that there is also some life after print, even if that does involve a fair amount of reskilling on your own time. Anyone who's been doing this a long time will be used to adapting to the technology at least - as I started off on pen and paper. Here's the link for those who would like to read it...

    RIP Sub-editing 1987-2008 - pt 1:
