Tuesday 29 September 2009

BECTU: 'We'll back members who refuse to work with BNP leader on Question Time'

Broadcasting union BECTU says it will support any of its members who refuse to work on the 22 October edition of Question Time which will have BNP leader Nick Griffin on the panel.
BECTU general secretary, Gerry Morrissey said: “Contrary to what the BBC has said, the BNP is not a legitimate political party in our eyes. Its policies are directly opposed to the democratic principles which underpin our multi-cultural society and those policies should not be given airtime.
"The BNP’s constitution only permits white people to join the party; this fact speaks volumes about the BNP’s fascist policies and everyone who believes in democracy should be taking a strong stance against the BNP, rather than helping the party to spread its poison.”
BECTU represents production staff across all roles in broadcasting and has on previous occasions pledged to support any member who chooses, as a matter of conscience, not to work on output which either involves or promotes the BNP.
The union has reiterated that same commitment to support all members who choose not to work on the edition of Question Time if it goes ahead with a BNP representative on the panel. The union says it will also be lending its support to anti-fascist organisations who will be campaigning against Question Time’s plans to give the BNP airtime.

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