Wednesday 20 May 2009

NUJ race reporting guidelines reminder

The NUJ today reminded its members of its race reporting guidelines in the run up to the European and local elections.
The union says: "As working journalists we are of course expected to be balanced when reporting all political parties, including far-right parties - that does not mean giving them an easy ride. "
It has also urged NUJ chapels to take up objections with managements if BNP ads appear in their newspapers or on their websites.
The guidelines say:
Do not sensationalise by reports, photographs, film or presentation the activities of racist organisations.
Seek to publish or broadcast material exposing the myths and lies of racist organisations and their anti-social behaviour.
Do not allow the letters column or 'phone-in' programmes to be used to spread racial hatred in whatever guise.
When interviewing representatives of racist organisations or reporting meetings or statements or claims, journalists should carefully check all reports for accuracy and seek rebutting or opposing comments. The antisocial nature of such views should be exposed.

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