Thursday 19 March 2009

Regional press crisis: NUJ calls for summit

The NUJ urged the government to convene an urgent summit on the future of regional media in a meeting between Culture Secretary Andy Burnham and the union’s general secretary Jeremy Dear at the House of Commons yesterday.
According to the NUJ, Burnham pledged his support for moves to save local journalism. Dear said: “The meeting with Andy Burnham was very constructive. He clearly values the role his local papers - the Leigh Journal and the Leigh Reporter - play in holding the community together.”
A number of MPs from the NUJ’s parliamentary group also attended the meeting. Dear added: “We told the minister that any government assistance for the media should have conditions guaranteeing jobs and investment in local journalism. Without that it will become a handout for shareholders.
“We also asked him to look at ways of funding new start ups, co-operatives and community media initiatives. Mr Burnham has been a supporter of the Football Supporters Trust and this could be looked at as a model for local media.
“He seemed interested in our idea of convening a conference of journalists, media owners and community and co-operative groups to actively consider the future of local media.
“I hope this can be done as soon as possible as cutbacks are being announced daily.”
The House of Commons was due to debate the jobs crisis in the regional media this morning - after the issue was raised by Greater Manchester MPs opposed to cut backs by Guardian Media in the county.
Burnham has been busy. Yesterday he also met representatives of the Newspaper Society and the Sociecty of Editors.

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