Tuesday 13 January 2009

NUJ Jobs Summit aims to lead fight back against cuts, pay freeze and redundancies

The NUJ has released the agenda for its "Jobs Summit" to be held in London on Saturday 24 January.
The special one day event is aimed at galvanising NUJ members to take a stand against the widespread redundancies, pay freezes and budget cuts imposed across the media, particularly in newspapers. The full agenda is:
11am-12pm: Why journalism matters – the context for the cutbacks: Nick Davies, investigative journalist and author of 'Flat Earth News'; Michael Klehm, Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV), German journalist' union; Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ deputy general secretary.
12-1pm: Various sessions: including, community campaigning – winning support from local community and politicians, campaigning through social networking and using the law and other procedures to fight cutbacks. Also rights over redundancies, negotiating with management and organising a workplace campaign in opposition to cutbacks. Using industrial action to put pressure on employers. How to keep members motivated.
1.45-2.15pm: : Challenging freelance cutbacks
2.15-4pm: Preparing for action. Feedback from earlier sessions and group discussion on next steps in NUJ plan of action.
The conference will be held at the NUJ's Headland House headquarters in London and is free to NUJ members.
Press Gazette reports today that up to 20 journalists' jobs could go at Archant's Ipswich centre.

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