Wednesday 7 January 2009

Can redundant journalists create the new business model which will save local news?

That is the intriguing question being asked by paidContent:UK editor Robert Andrews who writes:"The local news business may have laid off 500 in three months, but maybe some of those out-of-work reporters will help define the new business mode that’s so badly needed."
He looks at Everything Epping Forest, started by ex-editor David Jackman and, started by ex-news editor Dave Siddall as well as local news sites set-up in the US.
Robert Andrews adds:"The proprietors that saw their staff walk out the door should note their ex staffers’ new enterprises and could yet be best served by bringing them in to the fold through content syndication relationships. It’s a third-way model for local news."
Robert's post reminded me of those enterprising journalists like Paul Morgan, Tony Boullemier, Frank Branston and Lionel Pickering who started the free newspaper revolution in the 1980s. They ended up selling out to the established publishers for millions and became millionaires. It can be done.


  1. Jon - thanks for your kind comment.
    The industry is a in an appalling mess and Arnold Hadwin hits the nail on the head today when he says the people running newspapers don't know anything about running newspapers.
    As someone said last month, EMAP started it all by making shareholders greedy when they posted unsustainable profits of well over 30% which everyone then thought should be the norm.
    As if newspapers didn't have enough to worry about with the Internet!
    Kind regards
    Tony Boullemier

  2. Tony - Good to hear from you. I should point out that Arnold Hadwin's comments are on the site.

    Jon S.

  3. People always hate to talk about when they are laid off. But as it has become every day's news headline since Yahoo started it with cutting 1500 of its task force last year, now a need of platform has been in demand where people can express their selves in words how they are feeling about their company, whey the got laid off was that justified or not.
    And every thing they want to tell anonymously.And is providing you that platform.
