Tuesday 30 December 2008

Jeremy White's Best of 2008

Esquire chief sub Jeremy White picks his best media of 2008.

Best old/trad media of the year: Radio 4 - in particular Peter Day's In Business... quite simply the best programme on the business world and global economy you will find. Clear, engaging and authoritative - and possibly the best podcast the BBC puts out too. If you don't subscribe, you're missing out. An example - on the internet economy versus traditional financial models: "Millions of markets of thousands, rather than thousands of markets of millions." I have yet to hear a better, or more concise, definition.

Best new media of the year: BBC iPlayer - as good as they said it would be... now let's have it on freeview please.

Best story of the year: Obama and the Shannon Matthews kidnap by her mother Karen. The Heather Mills court debacle was great too. I loved the QE2 running aground on it's way to retirement in Dubai and some prize idiot saying the ship obviously "knew" where and why it was going...

Prediction for 2009: The real extent of house-price crash will be revealed and the rise of radio-frequency identification (RFID). New immigration restrictions that will make Australia look like a cuddly uncle.

Rest of the Best of, so far: Paul Linford, Adrian Monck , Grey Cardigan , Jean Morgan, Steve Busfield, Neil Fowler, Ian Reeves, Dominic Ponsford, Michael Crozier, Judith Townend and Laura Oliver, Patrick Smith, Ruth Addicott, Sue Curtis, Miles Barter.

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