Wednesday, 8 December 2010

NUJ reps at BBC endorse ACAS pensions' deal

NUJ reps from across the BBC have endorsed the agreement in principle secured at ACAS over the long running pensions' dispute which led to strike action by journalists.

The reps also agreed to: "Review our position in light of the actual deficit being agreed with Trustees and the full scheme rules being published. At such a time we will ballot all members to enable them to have a say. Continue to campaign and act to improve pension benefits in light of future changes to the schemes’ funding position."

NUJ general secretary Jeremy Dear said: “In light of the significant concessions the BBC has made in recent negotiations, including agreeing to delay the implementation of any changes until after the full scheme valuation is agreed and the real size of the deficit is known, reps have today endorsed the agreement reached at ACAS.

“Reps will review the position once the actual deficit is published – and further action cannot be ruled out in the event that the deficit is lower than predicted”.

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