Saturday 11 September 2010

MP's 'shame' over Sun's 'Sack Kate Adie' story

Tom Watson, the Labour MP who described some newspapers as "red-top assassins" in the Commons debate on phone-hacking, admitted on the BBC Today programme today that he had helped the Sun stand up a story saying the BBC's chief foreign news correspondent Kate Adie should be sacked.
Watson said he was"ashamed" that he had given the Sun a quote about Adie saying she should "seriously consider her position" which was included in this October 2001 story headlined Sack Kate Adie in which she was alleged to have given away details of the destination of a sensitive foreign visit by then Prime Minister Tony Blair.
  • Extraordinary. The MP who accuses papers like the Sun of being "red-top assassins" admits supplying them with bullets. You couldn't make this up.


  1. Do u mean October 2009? Cos I'll be damned if we've jumped to October 2010 already...!

  2. Dear Anonymous

    Thanks for pointing this out...I meant 2001
