Friday, 4 September 2009

PR man tells Birmingham Mail we need more journalists and 'less people like me'

Great posting on Birmingham Mail editor Steve Dyson's blog discussing whether the paper should switch to a morning paper, printed overnight.
Boris Worrall, who I think is an ex-Birmingham Mail crime correspondent turned communications exec, posts: "Although I work in PR, I firmly believe that the interests of democracy and society at large are best served by a strong, vibrant and dynamic media. That is to say less people like me, and more journalists!
"To say that going overnight would damage the Mail's quality and ability to fulfil its historic role in the city as a watchdog is a gross understatement.
"If the intention is to sell off the paper and make some quick cash for shareholders, let's be honest about it. Going overnight would destroy the Mail, make no mistake.
"It's a fantastic newspaper run by a dynamic editor who is one of the best journalists of his generation.
"Don't destroy it."

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