Wednesday 16 September 2009

Director Tim Toulmin to step down at PCC

Tim Toulmin is to step down as director of the Press Complaints Commission and will leave on 18 December.
The position will shortly be advertised in the national press, and interviews will be undertaken by a panel appointed by the board of the Press Complaints Commission, which is responsible for the appointment of the director, in October.
Toulmin, who has been director of the PCC since March 2004, and was acting director from January-March 2004, said: "I decided earlier in the year that - after 13 years at the PCC, and nearly 6 as its Director - it would be right for me to move on after helping to ensure a smooth transition from Christopher Meyer to Peta Buscombe (the new PCC chairman).
"It has been a privilege to be part of an organisation which has adapted well to the challenges of media convergence and the changing legal environment, and it is gratifying that there is an ever-increasing demand and respect for the PCC's range of services - from pre-publication action preventing intrusion to the negotiation of prominent corrections and apologies.
"The way in which the press is regulated will perhaps always divide opinion, but thanks to its brilliant and dedicated staff the PCC has a record of achievement of which any director would be proud".

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