Monday 27 July 2009

New PCC chair to open editors' conference

The new chairman of the Press Complaints Commission, Baroness Buscombe, will deliver the 2009 Society of Editors' Lecture that will open the Society's conference in November.
It will be her first major public speech since taking over from Sir Christopher Meyer at the PCC and follows the furore over the News of the World phone hacking allegations highlighted in the Guardian.
Also speaking will be the Lord Chief Justice, the new Information Commissioner and the new Director of Public Prosecutions.
The conference, under the banner the 'Fight Back', will focus on editors’ efforts to build new platforms for news delivery, revenue streams and working practices at a time when the world economic downturn is having a dramatic effect on media organisations.
It will take place at the Radisson SAS hotel at London Stansted airport from Sunday November 15 to Tuesday November 17.
Delegates can book now online at

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